Book Tour | Day 3 | Sandra πŸ’œ

Book on Tour: Behind The Stars by T. A. Rosewood

Addictive read

This book is a little different to what T A Rosewood usually writes & is a lovely mix of a romance/ mystery thriller genre. I have read all her other books & this one was a lovely change from her usual writing but still as good. Well written with great characters the story drew me in & held me throughout.

Tara is an up & coming new author & her first book is rocketing to success . It looks like she is in line to get a top award for her debut novel so things are really going well. Then the worst thing happens & she starts getting one-star reviews really slating her book.

She tries to tell her self it’s nothing she’s getting lots of excellent reviews that outweigh that one person.

Unfortunately things go from bad to worse & the reviews get more personal.

How can this person know so much about her life & more importantly who hates her so much. She needs to find this person who is attacking her on line, but how & more importantly is it someone close to her. Even her editor has told her these reviews need to stop as they are impacting on her book as well as her.

This was one of those addictive reads you need to keep on reading. Anyone that posts on line has possibly come up against this online abuse at sometime or other. I know someone close to me has & it did a lot of damage to them emotionally.

Most authors will have had to suffer some cruel reviews of their work at some time or other too. It can be hard to take & I feel for them. If you can’t say anything constructive try being kind instead.

This was an excellent read for me & I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done Traci looking forward to your next book.