Book Tour | Day 6 | Yvonne 💜

Book on Tour: Behind The Stars by T. A. Rosewood

Great Story!

As an avid reader and lover of books I wouldn’t dream of putting a review out rating a book so low as one star – we can’t call love the same books, but when this happens to the author in the story she’s devastated and worried, but then the one star reviews keep coming in, and they become personal and this is distressing for all concerned.

Starting this book, I thought it might more of a romance than the tense thriller I was expecting, but I was soon hooked in with the characters, their relationships, and the storyline – just the way I always been when I’ve read all of this author’s previous books.

I enjoyed the second half of the book more as it was finding out about who was behind the bad reviews and I thought the ending was great.

This book is a departure and different from T.A. Rosewood’s previous style of her very emotional stories, no tears from me this time, but I felt for the main character and what she was going through.

This was a big step in a new direction for her and it worked and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more by Traci, in whatever direction she writes.