My Interview with Fellow Author Donna Morfett on YouTube

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Donna Morfett, a talented author who graciously uses her YouTube channels to support and promote other writers. Donna posted on her Facebook group asking if anyone would like to be featured so obviously, I commented yes!

She then reached out to me, expressing her interest in my work and inviting me to share my author journey with her audience. I was thrilled to accept her invitation and connect with a fellow author. And even though I was very nervous she made me feel relaxed instantly. [Being on camera is so out of my comfort zone!]

During the interview, Donna and I delved into various aspects of my writing career. I shared the story of how I began my journey as an author, discussing the subjects I’m passionate about and what motivates me to explore them in my writing.

We talked about the challenges and triumphs I’ve experienced along the way, and how they’ve shaped me as a writer.

One particularly memorable moment from the interview was when I opened up about receiving a bad review for one of my books. While initially disheartening, this review ultimately inspired me to write my latest book. I shared how I channelled that negative experience into a positive, creative outlet and used it as fuel to improve my craft.

That book, ‘Behind The Stars‘ can now be pre-ordered on ebook and will launch on 8th July.

Donna and I also discussed my aspirations as an author, including my hopes to secure a publisher for my work. It was refreshing to have an open and honest conversation about the publishing industry and the challenges that authors face when seeking traditional publication.

Throughout the interview, I felt a genuine connection with Donna and appreciated her thoughtful questions and insights. It was a pleasure to share my story with her and her audience, and I left the conversation feeling inspired and encouraged to do more interviews like this.

If you’d like to watch the full interview, you can find it on Donna’s YouTube channel Donna Morfett Youtube. I highly recommend checking out her content and supporting her efforts to uplift and promote fellow authors. You can also listen to the Podcast.

Thank you, Donna, for this wonderful opportunity, and thank you, readers, for your continued support!

Don’t forget to follow Donna on social media.

She can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and listen to her Podcast for more updates on our writing journeys.

Also, if you love a thriller she has just released a brand new book. Here’s the blurb:

If Martina Cole is the Queen of crime, Donna must be a Princess…

Do you believe in Karma? Peter Markham should have. The past has come tapping him on his shoulder with an appointment for a reckoning. There will be no tomorrow. The killer did everything to cover their tracks, but is that possible? Who is this mystery person to bear such a grudge, but more importantly, why? Is it possible to forgive the past?

DI Cora Snitton is new to the station and wants to make an impression. The pressure is on her to find Peter Markham and put the world back together again, at least for his wife. If Peter has a history, so have others. Secrets breed secrets while tragedy is only around the corner. It’s up to Cora and the officers on her team like rookie DC’s Darcey and Luke to solve the crime and deliver justice.