I am so thrilled to announce that “Reasonable Lies” has achieved two significant milestones on Amazon this week, highlighting its impact in the realm of breast cancer awareness and fiction.

First, the novel has climbed to #3 in Amazon’s books on Breast Cancer category. This ranking reflects not only the book’s popularity but also its relevance to readers seeking stories that tackle this important health issue.

Additionally, “Reasonable Lies” has been awarded a purple flag for being the 3rd Most Gifted book in the Breast Cancer category. This recognition suggests that readers are finding the book valuable not just for themselves, but as a meaningful gift for others.

Reasonable Lies in the charts

These achievements underscore the power of storytelling in raising awareness and fostering understanding about breast cancer. Through the journey of the protagonist, readers are engaging with the complex realities of a breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and the ripple effects on relationships and personal identity.

I am deeply grateful to every reader who has purchased, read, reviewed, or gifted “Reasonable Lies.” Your support is not just propelling the book up the charts, but also contributing to a larger conversation about breast cancer.

If you haven’t yet read “Reasonable Lies,” now is a perfect time to join the growing community of readers who are finding both entertainment and insight within its pages.

And if you’ve already read it, consider gifting it to someone who might benefit from its story. It could even get it to number 1!

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we’re turning the page on breast cancer awareness, one reader at a time.


Book Review 5/5

“I originally purchased this book to carry in my bookstore. It was beautiful and fit the specs for the shelf I was looking to fill. After hearing what other readers said, I held off reading it. I usually stay away from books that tackle tough issues. But something kept drawing me back. Whether the gorgeous cover, the reviews, or maybe the Universe at large–whatever the reason, I picked it up and read it in an afternoon.

Let me say that, without a doubt, Reasonable Lies is superbly written. The storyline is heart wrenching, and the the story arc is engaging from start to finish. Be warned, however. You will need tissues. I made it to Chapter Four before I broke down and cried. I cried for the MC, for her dad, for me, for my dad. I was a huge blubbery mess. But I could not help myself. I had to keep reading. And I pretty much cried throughout the entire book. It reminded me of the fragility of our lives and everything we take for granted.

This book will tear you to pieces and build you back together and leave you questioning everything from the meaning of life to every white lie you ever told. I found myself questioning what I would do if I were ever in this situation. Would I want to protect my family or would I decide to openly share my struggles? With two young daughters of my own, this book forced me to realize that life can change in the blink of an eye. It challenged me to really think about what I would do and how I would react. But as readers, we need books like this–books to remind us of our humanity, of our fragility, and ultimately of our strength in our times of weakness.

Thank you @tarosewood for giving us such an incredible work of art.”